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Woodlake.Life is a website for the residents and guests of the Woodlake neighborhood in Bonita Bay.
Bonita Springs, Florida
A directory of all Woodlake residents is maintained by Dan Apple. He also maintains a map of the subdivision listing homeowners' names and house numbers so you can see who lives where. If you'd like a copy of the most current edition, request by clicking below (Woodlake homeowners only).
This neighborhood website has been a long time coming to the residents of Woodlake. It is a site that is constantly evolving based on the input received from Woodlakers. So if you have ideas you'd like to share, let me hear from you.
Dan Apple (the website guy)
Each year Woodlake gather their sticks and spikes and head to the links with their neighbors for a friendly golf match. Skill level doesn't matter, only the spirit of camaraderie and desire to have a fun day with neighbors. Of course there's a little competition and bragging rights involved! Want to know more, just ask Kathy or Jay Bellwoar, our golf committee chairs this year.
The Bonita Bay Veterans Council does wonderful humanitarian work in the community and have helped many, many local veterans by lending a helping hand when they needed it most. Our Woodlake delegate to this fine organization is Jim Papandrea. Contact him for more information.
Hurricanes are no joke here in Southwest Florida. Each homeowner needs to be prepared and know how to batten down the hatches. Vito Soranno is Woodlake's "Captain" on the Bonita Bay Community Association's Hurricane Readiness Committee. Be sure to watch for valuable tips from Vito as we head into hurricane season.
Office (239) 495-8111
Main Gate (239) 947-2476
Beach Club (239) 992-9840
Security (239)-947-2476
Architectural Review (239)-495-8111
Click on the logo to go to Bonita Bay's gate access page. You will need to login with your BonitaBayResidents website login.
Main (239) 495-0200
West Golf Shop (239) 498-2626
East Golf Shop (239) 353-5100
Lifestyle Center (239) 949-5060
Spa (239) 495-0600
Pool / Tennis / Pickleball (239) 495-3573
Chelsea Reservations: Click below (you'll need to login once on the website page.
Bonita Springs, Florida, United States